1. Corn, all corn is a GMO. It has been so extensively bred away from the wild type that it took DNA sequencing to identify that it's related to teosinte.
2. GMOs do not have any nutritional difference unless that's intentional (golden rice, for example, was bred to contain more Vitamin A). This link is NOT from a GMO company: https://sph.umich.edu/pursuit/2018posts/gmos.html
The biggest issue with GMOs is seed patenting and what it does to farmers and the risk to our food supply.
As for why people are getting fatter, there are all kinds of reasons. Those include:
1. Hidden sugars. Hidden. Sugars. I love sourdough bread but I don't have time to make my own and I can't buy it because commercially produced sourdough has HFCS in it, and I want my sugar allowance to be things which taste sweet, dangit.
2. People not having time to cook and resorting to fast food as a regular daily thing.
3. Poverty. People can't afford decent food. Believe it or not food insecurity is linked directly to obesity.
4. Food deserts.
5. Everyone's stressed out.
And honestly, I blame 5. I'm stressed and my weight has gone up, although I'm along way from obese. And the same is true for many people I know.
We're all stressed out and the best we can do is put a bandaid on it.
But GMO crops aren't and can't be the culprit. If you're going to rail against it, look up seed patenting so you have some actual ammunition.