American evangelicals.
Some of them legit believe this:
1. Everyone should be abstinent until marriage.
2. Women should not have sex unless the intention is to get pregnant. This sex must be with their husband.
3. The husband decides when it happens. The wife gets to do as she's told.
(Yes, they think marital rape is not only fine but the "way things should be")
Catholics here are not generally a problem. Most American Catholics think the birth control prohibition is dumb and quietly ignore it.
It's the extreme protestants that are the problem and some of them *absolutely* want to ban contraception because it "iinterferes with God's will," "allows women to be sluts" and/or "could result in a fetus not implanting and that's abortion."
This has forced pro choice people to polarize more, because when they are trying to get the pill banned...
Some of them are also against any form of assisted reproduction.