And then the same people turn around and say that kids who need care now (because they are suicidal) should be denied that care because "it might impact their fertility."
The unspoken thought behind this is that young white people should not be allowed to give up their fertility and that white AFAB people should not be allowed to not have children.
That's also eugenics.
(Note that I am 100% not arguing that trans people should have access to fertility preservation...and I do believe kids who transition prior to puberty need to be educated on the potential consequences to their fertility so they can weigh it with their dysphoria...but obviously they need to have a future. One day we'll live in a world where they'll be able to take somatic cells and use them to create embryos, but that's probably 20 to 30 years away).
Everyone deserves the right to reproduce and the right not to reproduce.