Now, some people will...I once had somebody tell me I was so racist I deserved to be canceled for good and never sell another book and *nothing* I did could overcome it. Actually, twice. Once was for headcanoning a Black character as asexual. Once was for watching the Stephen Strange movie. It's not a call out if you don't want the person to change, it's just bullying, IMO.
But if somebody tells me I said something they saw as racist, I will at least think about it. Sometimes they're right. A lot of the time it's differing perspectives.
Then, there's the fact that we have all said or done something that arrives as racist, sometimes without intending to or...
I was called a racist Karen for refusing to get in an elevator with an unmasked Black man in, I want to say it was June 2020. At that time I wasn't getting in an elevator with ANYONE other than my husband. But to somebody who is used to constant microaggressions, my precaution was seen as racist mistrust. He probably had white people cross the street to avoid him. But at the same time, I wasn't risking either of us getting what was at the time a disease with a pretty high death rate for the sake of not looking racist, ya know.
And by ALL means call me out. I want to know if I made a mistake. I can't improve if nobody tells me I'm wrong.
Just don't throw people on the scrap heap either? I mean, I've seen people do and say some pretty homophobic things and get better, a lot better.