How about washing your hands after going to the restroom?
I plan on continuing to wear a mask in certain circumstances and situations, including if I'm sick and in germfests like if I have to go to the emergency room.
I also plan on washing my hands every time I come in from outside, because I think that just plain makes sense.
And we absolutely do reorganize society around fear of natural disasters. All the time. It's why in the American midwest every house has one. It's why people in California landscape their gardens to include firebreaks. It's why people in Florida have storm shutters.
We are all doing it, and we don't necessarily see it as that because we see it as sensible precautions for the climate we live in.
Where I grew up, in a flood plain, the precautions were simple and sensible. NO house in town had a basement. We had attics for storage instead. No basements. And there was a small stack of sandbags in the shed for when the water started lapping at our door. That's organizing our life around a natural disaster. We never got bad flooding, but we got flooding every. Year. If you dug too deep in your garden you would hit the water table.
But we didn't see it as natural disaster preparation, we saw it as "We live in a flood plain."