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How Will the Sun Die?
Let me start by saying don’t worry. Our sun has about five billion years left to live, although the Earth will become inhospitable in about a billion years. By that time we’ll be extinct, have evolved into something else and/or have left our homeworld. The reason for this is that the sun is slowly getting hotter.
So, what will happen to the sun, eventually, long after any of us have to worry about it?
The Sun Will Not Go Nova
With all the talk about Betelgeuse’s odd behavior, it’s worth laying this to rest right away.
Sol is not going to become a nova or supernova. The reason is simple: Our sun is too small. In fact, Sol is a type of star called a main sequence yellow dwarf (G2V).
The “dwarf” part is key here. Dwarf stars don’t have enough mass to go nova. Giant stars are the ones which create nova and supernova explosions. (And all stars are one or the other; dwarfs or giants. There are subgiants, but there’s no “regular” sized star in the terminology we use). Oh, and the sun is also way too small to turn into a black hole.