Hrm. I see your point. Except that what if the biological father, in that case, is actively unsuitable? What if she finds out after having sex with him that he‘s abusive?
Not saying I don’t see your point, but there’s gradations of “most desirable” here… (And before you say it, there are plenty of actively unsuitable women out there too and quite a few deadbeat moms). In some cases it’s in the best interests of the child to be raised by somebody who isn’t their biological parent, but is a better parent than the one that dropped off the DNA.
No, I don’t think any man should be forced to be a father, although if he’s not willing to step up and help with parenting he should lose all rights to see the child until the child is old enough to make their own decisions on the matter. No child support = no parental rights. Either you are a father (or a mother) or you aren’t, don’t try to have it both ways, ya know.
Does that make sense?
I also believe there should be some form of support mechanism for the parent who is left raising the child alone in this instance. But then we need more support for parents in general. Parenting is work and not treated as such.