I had to dig deep into his blog to confirm it, but Pastor DeYoung, father of nine children is a Quiverfull.
Knew it.
"I do not urge Christian couples to have as many children as possible. But I do urge them to have more chldren." "More kids than you think you can handle, might be a good place to start."
He wants Lots Of Christian Babies to outnumber the nonbelievers.
Also, everyone should be "enamored" of heterosexual monogamy and having children.
"women in particular need to know that motherhood is not a lesser caling."
He isn't calling himself a Quiverfull and he isn't going all the way to "as many children as possible and if the mother dies so be it," but he's definitely on that side of things, which is the idea that you save Christian dominance in the U.S. by producing more Christian babies...whether you can afford them or not.