I would like to add something here.
If somebody has had a fall or accident that might have included impact to the skull, no matter how fine they feel, *don't let them go anywhere or drive for at least 30 minutes*.
We had an incident at our lesson barn where somebody had a hard fall off a tall horse and seemed fine. 20 minutes later, I asked her if she was looking forward to her trip.
"What trip?" she said.
"Okay, YOU are going to the hospital now." Before her fall she had been enthusing over her planned vacation.
Concussion symptoms *can be delayed* and if she'd gotten that confused while driving home...
She went to the ER, got scanned, and was fine. But really bad things might have happened if we'd let her leave.
And she WAS wearing a helmet. If she hadn't been, she could easily have been killed.
Always wear a helmet when engaged in any activity that risks a fall.