I'm firmly in the belief that if we aren't sure what sex a kid is they should get an X on their birth certificate which can be freely changed to an M or F later once the kid has developed a gender identity.
And cosmetic genital surgery on intersex infants should be illegal, period. If you guess wrong it's real hard for the person to fix later. We can wait a few years until they can tell us if they're a boy or a girl.
(Note that in some cases genital surgery is necessary because the urethra is blocked or in an awkward position).
Ambiguous genitalia can be left alone until the kid is old enough to say what, if anything, they want done with them. Meanwhile the right clutches their pearls about the complete non-issue of trans kids having genital surgery, which no surgeons do before the age of at least 18! The laws against it specifically say "You can still make your intersex infant's genitalia look "normal" to your guess"
Sorry. This is something I feel very strongly about.
I also wasn't asking you to take responsibility, just trying to explain where some of this rhetoric is coming from.