In mainstream Judaism (Note I say mainstream here, because there absolutely are pro-life Jews) it is immoral to deny a woman an abortion if her life or health is at risk, including her mental health, or if continuing with the pregnancy would jeopardize her ability to care for the children she already has. Most Rabbis would also consider abortion a moral choice if the fetus has deformities incompatible with life.
If the woman’s life is at extreme risk, the child is considered a “pursuer,” making abortion essentially self defense and in this situation abortion is absolutely required. In other words, aborting an ectopic pregnancy is a mandate, for example. Not all of the laws being proposed even have this exemption.
In Judaism, the fetus is “mere fluid” for the first 40 days and then is part of the mother until it is born. This is reflected by the fact that attacking a pregnant person and causing a miscarriage is penalized with monetary damages in the Torah, rather than being treated as murder. In other words, the unborn child is legally property.
In other words, banning abortion impinges on the religious freedom of Jews. Banning birth control also does because many Jewish people use birth control to ensure that they won’t menstruate on their wedding night. Without it, you have to reschedule the wedding as it has to be consummated immediately.
So, yes, banning abortion is anti-semitic.