In the U.S., they have no rights. We are the one developed country that has not ratified the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Until their 18th birthday, children in this country are little more than property.
Emancipation is the only option for these kids, and that varies by state. Typically they have to be 16. And in Virginia, they have to be living on their own and have the parents' consent. The only way out for a trans 16 year old in this state would be, no kidding, to find somebody to pretend to marry them. For a 15 year old? They just have to try to survive.
It's not addressed because legislation IS the only way to fix it. and the Republicans, who want parents to have the right to beat their trans kid but not affirm it are making the outlets these kids have disappear.
Yeah. I'm in angry queer mode today.