It's a deeper problem than just outlawing abortion.
Having children is an expected life milestone. Many people have kids just because it's what you do, not because they want them.
There was a study some years back that showed that children of lesbian couples had better academic outcomes than children of straight couples. Even as an activist who firmly believes same gender couples make great parents, my first reaction was "Did they correct for the pregnancies being planned?" They didn't.
A lesbian couple has to go out of their way to produce kids. A straight couple can do it by accident. So I suspect that study said *wanted* kids have better academic outcomes.
Outlawing abortion certainly doesn't help, but straight couples having kids because it's expected and oops, pregnant, guess we're doing it now has a long history.
That said, there are plenty of people who really want kids and can't afford to have them, starting with the obscene cost of giving birth...and the high risk.
Guess what outlawing abortion has also done?
Yup, made pregnancy *even less safe*.
But it's a deep problem.