It's worse.
Per the GOP, parents have the right to:
Force their child to present as their birth gender.
Send their child to conversion therapy.
Throw their child out of the house if they don't become cisgendered.
Force trans teachers to present as their birth gender so their kids don't see positive trans role models.
Prevent all kids from seeing books containing trans role models.
They do not have the right to:
Affirm their trans child's gender
Give their trans child proper medical care.
Florida is defining allowing your child to use pronouns that don't match their genitalia as seen at birth as child abuse now.
This isn't about parental rights. It's not about protecting children.
It's about politicizing people. Also, some have said the quiet part out loud:
It's about making sure white kids stay cisgender to have more white babies. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it's there.