Oh, I can detect the taste and thankfully I’m less sensitive than another friend…if I spit it out right away I’m typically fine. Usually means some schmuck poured me diet instead of regular and they are often really weird about it too, because there’s this attitude that doing it that way is fine.
Gatorade doesn’t contain aspartame unless you get the reduced sugar kind. Powerade is the one that does. You get to absolutely know where that stuff is hiding.
I’m also photosensitive, but usually manage to cover my eyes. The only two incidents I’ve had in years was bad lighting in a hotel elevator (I ended up having to threaten an ADA complaint at one point to be permitted to go back to my room after 9pm) and the time I discovered that I have another trigger…
…the natural sugar substitute stevia. The friend who served the stevia cake felt SOOOOO bad about it, but there was no way of knowing. Now I avoid all sugar substitutes. I’m probably okay with acesulfame K, but I’m terrified to try it.
And I have a family history of diabetes. I’m constantly afraid I’ll have to give up sweet food forever!