So, I (mostly because of an extreme dental phobia that caused years of neglect) had to have all four wisdom teeth removed in one go.
Because of the extreme dental phobia, I had to be under general for this (I once punched a dental nurse, ahem...I'm mostly treated for it now, thanks to an amazing dentist who knew JUST how to handle it).
So I had to go to the dental hospital.
They tried to get my husband to feed me a vicodin while I was still under the influence of anesthesia (I don't remember this) and unable to consent. As in apparently he fought with a nurse over it for a considerable amount of time. He knew my wishes: NO OPIOIDS. They kept telling him I needed it.
As a note, I went through my entire recovery with virtually no pain relief because I have 1. A really high tolerance for pain and 2. A really low tolerance for pain medication...even a tylenol will knock me out.
But he got a lot of hassle for refusing to give me a potentially addictive painkiller while I was unable to consent.
I don't think we should be giving opioids except to people who need them. I do think people who need them should be able to get them.