So, I'm going to take issue with this.
Black kids have to learn to identify with white protagonists growing up because even with recent improvements there still aren't enough Black protagonists. Just like I had to grow up with straight, male protagonists in sooooo much stuff.
Black people have to assimilate into our culture to get ahead. We expect them to straighten their hair, talk white, leave their Blackness at the door.
Black people have to understand white people the way a horse has to read the body language of a wolf. For survival.
The reverse is not true and the situations aren't comparable. There's no survival necessity for white people to learn to understand Black culture. I would argue that we are better people for making that effort, for reading books by Black people (I just finished P. Djèli Clark's A Master of Djinn and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys steampunk). But we don't have the same pressure on us to do so. The same fear of not being "enough."
You are wrong and need to check your privilege.