So, what people are fighting back against is the conservative attempts to say "Your gender MUST match your sex, which is defined entirely by OUR definition."
In some cases, these politicians have attempted to define male sex by the presence of a Y chromosome, which is not a useful measure because it has enough exceptions...thanks to gene copying errors, you can be female and have a Y chromosome and male and lack one and potentially never know because most people don't get their sex chromosomes checked unless they're diagnosing a fertility issue (XY females and XX males often have problems reproducing).
I do feel that we should not use intersex people as pawns in this (unless they volunteer).
The vast majority of people have a phenotypical sex that matches their genotypical sex that matches their gender.
But conservatives want to make sure that is everyone, eliminating all of the exceptions. And explaining that sex is more complex than Y chromosome = penis = man = superior and No Y chromosome = vagina = woman = inferior (and yes, they still believe that) is at least a way to make people think.
(I have never said sex is a spectrum, but I do argue that it is complex. And that we absolutely can't go by somebody's genetics to determine their sex).