Something you didn't highlight.
"Prohibit social transitioning."
"Your daughter has short hair and shortens Wilhelmina to Bill. She must grow her hair and choose a feminine nickname or we're going to take her away."
This is actually "Ensure gender-based stereotypes based on biological sex are applied to all children until they reach the age of consent." By which I assume they mean 21. Kids who go to college in Texas may suddenly find that they have to have a Proper Gendered Hairstyle As Determined By White People.
Because "social transition" covers any non-conforming with gender roles.
(Also they want to end no-fault divorce. I'm fine with supporting covenant marriage as an option for religious people who want it, but ending unilateral no-fault divorce is entirely about forcing people tostay with abusive partners).
My best hope is this will finally flip Texas. There are a lot of good decent people there and if they all turn out to came close last time and I think this is a reaction out of fear of that. Hopefully it will backfire.