"Sorry, you have to keep this baby. You and your three other kids will just have to manage on your minimum-wage job which mostly goes towards childcare. They can live off of one meal five days a week, right? If you're approved for that."
"Sorry, you have to keep this baby. I know there is a 90% chance you will die but the 5% chance the child will survive is worth it. Your other child will be just fine in the custody of the ex you left because you didn't trust him not to rape her after you die in agony."
"Sorry, you have to keep this baby. You don't need a high school education."
"Sorry, you got raped. Should have kept your knees together, right?"
"Sorry, you have to keep this baby. The fact that you have no income or health insurance after the baby's father disappeared over the horizon when he found out you were pregnant? You can go into debt to afford to give birth."
"Sorry, I know you hate him, but keep the baby and marry him."
"Sorry, yes, your rapist does have parental rights. You'll have to meet with him to discuss visitation arrangements."
Want to reduce abortion? Let's start with making it not cost thousands of dollars just to give birth. Let's give real support to people living and raising children in poverty. Proper sex education. Easy access to contraceptives. Whittling away at rape culture.
The vast majority of abortions are for *economic* reasons. They are because the woman can't afford to raise another baby or, literally, cannot afford the associated medical care. The remainder are for medical reasons.
And your solution feels to me like "We stop abortion by restoring Traditional Marriage where The Man decides when sex and pregnancy happen and The Woman submits appropriately." Maybe I'm overreacting.
I would love to live in a world where abortion was a medical procedure that happened only when something went critically wrong with a pregnancy. But we don't live in that world and until we do, anyone capable of being pregnant and already born children would suffer if abortion was criminalized.