The Most Duplicated Place Name in England…isn’t Even English

Jennifer R. Povey
2 min readNov 10, 2021
Photo by STEPHEN POORE on Unsplash

Richmond, Virginia, capital of the confederacy…is one of 45 Richmonds in the United States. There are also six in Canada, and even more Richmonds in Germany, the Czech Republic, Tasmania, and the Caribbean.

It is, of course, the Duke of Richmond’s fault. Multiple Dukes of Richmond. Seven generations of a family making their money by, ya know…going everywhere and naming it after them.

So, Richmond, Virginia, is named after the Duke’s seat, Richmond-upon-Thames, which is thus listed as the most duplicated place name from England. (Are we sure it’s not Washington).

Except the plot thickens.

See, Richmond-upon-Thames isn’t actually “old Richmond”.

Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

Uh, What?

Richmond-upon-Thames is called that to differentiate it from the original Richmond, a small market town of about 9,000 people in North Yorkshire.

Which tells us it wasn’t the original. In fact, Richmond-upon-Thames was named after Richmond, Yorkshire.

Ah, so, old Richmond is in Yorkshire. Got it.



Jennifer R. Povey

I write about fantasy, science fiction and horror, LGBT issues, travel, and social issues.