There are still people who think humans only made it here 15,000 years ago and they all came over the Bering Straits? I thought that had been debunked...people have been here a lot, lot longer and there's evidence that there may also have been migration from Polynesia. If they could make it to Hawaii, surely they could have made it to Abya Yala? And I believe there's genetic evidence there.
It's been pushed back to at least 40,000 years...and given we keep pushing the arrival of homo sapiens in Europe back, I'm betting we'll find evidence you were here even longer.
And that's only homo sapiens. There's a non-zero chance that there might have been Denisovan groups here too. They're hard to trace because we never find Denisovan grave sites (my theory is that they did not bury their dead, but rather burned them or engaged in sky burial, both practices that would leave no evidence). But I wouldn't be surprised.
Your ancestors may have migrated through Asia, but they did it a very long time ago and calling you Asian is the same as calling me African! Also, the wide spread of Clovis points indicates not just that you had been there a while but that you had a pretty significant trading network that allowed a good invention to spread quickly. That's another racist point here, pun intended, from the same kind of people who try to call the Inca primitive.
But I didn't think anyone believed this theory anymore. Who's still propagating it? It's just plain wrong and it's no longer the scientific consensus, to my knowledge. Alas, some people can't get into the 21st century and I'm sorry this is still circulating.
I have personally never questioned that you were here first.