There is a very simple outpatient procedure that is as effective as an IUD and renders males sterile for 10 years. It exists, it is proven, it is...
...unavailable in the United States. It is not even being tested here. Nobody is applying for approval on it.
If we offered that to all young men (not forced) when they are in high school, they would also be covered from created an unwanted pregnancy until they are older. And like an IUD, it can be reversed at any time.
So, why don't we have it?
I suspect there is a money motive here. Because when offered in India, where it was developed, this procedure costs about the same as a two month supply of oral contraceptives...
Getting that over here would help a lot. Men cause 100% of unwanted pregnancies and do not have enough options if they want to continue to have sex and still be responsible.
But money.