There is not actually a more virulent strain. We do have a new subvariant, but it's not more's just slightly different, so more people are getting sick, and it hit before vaccines rolled out.
That said, the increase is from very low to low.
I DO recommend masking on planes except when you're eating or drinking, though. And I mask on public transportation, in the grocery store, and in healthcare settings. I'm going to mask in most healthcare settings forever. Dentist and eye doctor are one thing. But I ain't walking into a doctor's office without a mask on again, let alone an emergency room.
The CDC is still recommending people with COVID stay home for five days and wear a mask for five more days. But you should stay home *whatever* you have (unless, of course, your employer gives you the choice between Working Sick and Losing Your Job/Home, which should not be a thing, but is again), and mask if you have to leave.
He should not have hugged you with a cold. That's the etiquette we need to move towards. Don't share your germs, people.