You're not! You're not alone.
I'm considering the move from full masking to situational masking in a few days. I flew to Washington State last week and Seatac was extremely crowded so I'm assuming I probably got exposed (I was masked in the terminal, but did unmask briefly to eat in a limited capacity airport lounge). Because of that I'm masking in all indoor places until at least Monday.
But you don't have to go from N95s to nothing. You can follow your comfort level. I'm continuing to mask in the grocery store for sure because yes, BA2 is going to cause something. HOWEVER, people who had BA1 are protected against BA2 for now, so it's not likely to cause as big a surge. Masking on public transit is still required.
I'm going to continue to mask in most healthcare settings and absolutely 100% a KN95 or N95 in an emergency room because I ended up in the ER in December, wore one, and did NOT get COVID-19. Or flu. Or a cold. Or anything else anyone in that crowded ER might have been carrying.
But when BA2 seems to have worked itself out, I will consider indoor dining and movies again. Might mask for movies. Might take one and decide when I see how crowded the theater is.
This year is going to be hard for risk assessment because blanket universal masking is likely NOT going to be appropriate, situational masking is going to remain so.
Also, I will mask around anyone who asks me to wear a mask around them. I have a mask permanently in my horseback riding bag and when I go to cons will take clear, cloth AND KN95 masks with me.
(And my tiny pandemic silver lining is I have finally discovered how to avoid seasonal allergy symptoms without taking meds that give me side effects worse than the symptoms. Guess who is going to be masking every spring now ;)).